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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Vocabulary: Definition and Sentences

1.) Faith- trust someone
I have faith that I'm going to pass the test.
2.)Threshold-  a piece of wood that lies under a door
There was a threshold in front of the house.
3.) Tarry-  to be tardy acting
He was always tarry everyday to class.
4.) Resolve- to find an answer
I resolve the question to the test even though it was really hard.
5.) Discern-  to recognize 
 It was really hard to discern since a long time.
6.) Martyr-  a person who suffers greatly
The person is a martyr because he was a brave person.
7.) Mirth- happiness
It was a mirth day because i went to Universal Studios. 
8.) Catechism-  a book that explains about christian beliefs by using a question and answer list 
I go to catechism everyday in night at 5:00 p.m.
9.) Pious- a deeply religious
10.) Frenzy- uncontrolled activity
The game was really frenzy.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Young Goodman Brown Question

1.) Hawthornes purpose was to show how people actually are even though they seem to be religious.
2.) I agree with his wife's name called Faith because he has "Faith" to go on a drak deed in the forest, but then in the end he doesn't have faith anymore.
3.) The pink ribbon means Faith innocence.
4.) ???
5.)I think that the old man is evil because of his snake staff and because he knows everyone each in the village and important people and he also known Young Goodman Brown Grandpa.
6.) The staff represents the temptation from the Adam and Eve story. I think the staff is trying to trick Goodman's mind and shows the town true sight.
7.) If Brown had never gone to the forest with the old guy, he would've never found out the truth and everything will still be the same.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Vocabulary and Definition

Theme- main idea
Tone- author attitude
Mood- is the real emotion
Syntax- how they organize the stories
Stupid- not intelligence
Adumbrate- to suggest
Apotheosis- the best part of something
Ascetic- relating to
Bauble- inexpensive piece of jewelry
Burgeon- develop quickly
Complement- to make the sentence better
Contumacious- stubbornly disobedient
Curmudgeon- a person who easily annoyed
Didactic- a designed

Young Goodman Brown Response

Back then in the old time, people killed innocent people because they thought that they were witches. The people got scared so they hung them, burn them, and I think even drowned them. So that is really scary for a person to come and do something to you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Conscience of a Hacker Response

My first impression of the hacker from the story is that he might of been getting revenge like if he was angry at someone.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

My Big Question!!!

1.) How will people be like in 50 years?
2.) How far will technology go?
3.) Will earth be different in the future?

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


1.) The language from the story is very different to our conversation talk because we don't use the same words over and over everyday. It also feels weird saying the same words each time because when you're talking to your friend they're reaction is going to be, "Why is he saying the same words over and over."
2.) Repeating words over in a poem or story is good. It would let you understand what the poem or story trying to tell you. If the story "Earth on Turtle's Back" didn't use the same word for the story, you wouldn't understand the story at all.

My Notes From This Week

Richard cory - central theme is that not everything seems at it is
Author additude- is the tone that the author additude toward the audience,or poem
Mood- is the real emotion
Theme- main idea
Syllogism- means a basic form of a argument
Truth- has to be factually verifiable in the world
Validity- conclusion follow logically
Diction- the author choose words for story
Syntax- how they organize stories

The medium is the message


The difference between hearing and listening is how we think

Verbal- what I say
Para verval- how I use my voice
Non verbal- my facial expression

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Richard Cory's Response

I don't know why Richard Cory commit suicide but we people will never know why he did. He was richer than everybody and can buy whatever he wanted but maybe he was just lonely and needed somebody to talk with him, we don't know. One night he put a bullet in his head and it was the end of Richard Cory's life.

The Earth on Turtle's Back Sentence Response

This story talks about a women who had a dream and wakes up and tell her husband. She tells him and he says that when she has a dream like that, it means that it is really important that they have to make it true.

Monday, August 15, 2016

Richard Cory

Learning New Ways

Hi, my name is Jaime and want to learn more about using the blog because it looks interesting and the blog looks very helpful for us.