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Thursday, September 29, 2016


What I feel about the authority is that it's good and then bad at the same time. It's good because some authority do care about us students like for us to  graduate and have a better future. It's also bad because some cops actually take there job really to far, by being to violence to innocent people.

Inciting Incident

He said that no one is there for him and that he is alone, which is really weird.

Monday, September 26, 2016

The Presidential Debate September 26,2016

Mistakes for President

  The debate against Donald J. Trump and Hillary Clinton is going on and on. They've been blaming on each other about very important things. First example is that, Clinton says that Trump doesn't care if the other countries have nuclear weapons, and that he said,"Well good luck with that!!" Second example is that, Trump talks about that Clinton wasted millions of dollars on some hacking program. After that, they continue to blame and talk about different topics.The guy asking the question told Trump what else is missing for Clinton and Trump reply's,"She doesn't have enough stamina and the good look." Hillary talks back and says, I have enough stamina and have a good look more and better than you."

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Pedestrian Response

I think so far the article that we are reading in class is really great. The beginning just started to get good and I want to continue reading this article.

My Big Question

Why should students have homework when we already do work at school and then stress about projects and essays?

Monday, September 19, 2016

Vocabulary#4 Definitions and Sentences

1.) Intermittent- occurring at irregular intervals or not continuous or steady
     Their intermittent character prompted the suppostion.

2.) Ebb- the movement of the tide out to sea
     Elasped before the sea resumed its ordinary ebb and flow.

3.) Regress- return to a former or less developed state
      He regress back where he wanted to be at.

4.) Tendency- an inclination toward a particular characteristic or type by behavior
     One of Helen's old habits, that is strongest and hardest to correct, is tendency to break things

5.) Antiseptic- relating to
      I was antiseptic to a book with a computer.

Vocab Quiz #3

1.) I use to be coherent when I was a freshman.
2.) Donald Trump is being a belabor to everyone.
3.) The bad person now eschew the bad things in his past.
4.) Kleiff said that he is going to be acquisitive.
5.) Bryant emulate Jordan, but now they are retired.
6.) I wasn't banal to working there.

Monday, September 12, 2016

My Aeries

On the essay that we took in test was easy for me, but I don't know for the rest of the students. I got a B on the test and my reaction on the test was shock because I thought I might have gotten a lower grade. I actually agree on the test because I forgot to talk about diction and syntax on the essay. I think I have earned an A+ because I have been paying attention and doing my homework everyday.